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A small sampling of poetry I have created over the years, along with artwork designed to compliment imagery conveyed by each piece of written work. To read more of my poetry, please visit my Medium page (written poetry) as well as SoundCloud (audio recordings of my poems).
At Rest
Discomposed for days I go,
earthward bound and arriving,
where all is at peace
but me,
and wait among the blessed.
There in the quiet,
where words foreign,
unbecoming of this landscape,
beneath water and stone,
sparrow, oak, and star
find me
and wait beneath light’s dark
for what is left -
a slow siphon of labor’s toil -
to leave me
until I am in that place,
and their peace,
finally in me. ~ LAM

'Prayer Under the Dreaming Tree' Acrylic on Canvas, 36x48 inches

'Fire, Whisper, River' Gouache, Acrylic & Mica on Watercolor Paper, 22x15 inches

Before the great silence
so much of myself constructed you
as to possess you,
limiting you're becoming.
Now I wait
among the deafening silence
for your great presence
to stir within me,
restless in this longing.
Possess me
as the great river
which flows with ease;
like a song
held upon the gentle wind;
like the tide
which swells between tiny grains of sand.
And in your hands
I will become
deepest sea of blue
that receives you;
heart which carries your refrain
into the light of day;
hour after hour
your image born upon
the salty, holy ground.

Make For Yourself a Home
Heavy with time,
I no longer depart from myself as before
like bird or cloud
I imagined to be.
So it is with you I find peace,
opening in ease
toward your immensity,
you, who works in silence.
In my anguish and yearning,
take me
and make for yourself a home
where great embers burn
and there my soul,
peering into this chasm,
now brilliant body of light,
will hide among the shadows of your longing
'til fears subside
and are no more.

As the Earth Senses You
I stand here
in hushed moments
wondering if I will remember you
like this now;
not as a whisper
but as the earth senses you,
each stone,
each bloom,
each limb,
ripening toward you,
bearing your image.
Let me not construct you
as a thing
or pious gesture
but open to you
my whole life
ripening until you are real.

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